Benevolent Brews and Cryptic Concoctions

Spell Jars, Tarot Cards, Candles, Altars are all key aspects of witchcraft. Over the last 6 months, I have jumped headfirst into this fascinating culture and began exploring where it fit into my own life. Slowly I created my own altar, acquired more tarot decks, picked up countless incense, and bought my own spell books. From this, I found a new avenue to express myself and a series of skills to be built.

I started my journey into witchcraft by getting a tarot card set from my brother. With this first foray into the occult, I began building both my clairvoyance and my love for witchcraft. From there, I began building my own witchcraft altar, adding candles, incense, herbs, and crystals. All of this came ahead with my completed altar and my own spell book. 

The general product concept came from this love for witchcraft and wanted to share that love. For the color design, I wanted to capture a “witch in the woods” aesthetic. This was done by utilizing browns to represent the earth, dark greens to represent the natural world, and accent yellows to stand out. 

The first product created was the Luck of the Card ~ Luck Spell Jar. This started with a simple concept: A luck spell jar that calls back to the aesthetics of casinos and card games. For this design, I choose to embody that casino aesthetic with two simple ace cards with spades and cloves. 

The second product created was the Shield of Mushrooms ~ Protection Spell Jar. This one leaned into the mythology of mushrooms as a protective force. For this protection potion design, I used many different colors and shapes to create different but still simple mushroom designs. For this jar, most of the colors are dark blacks or whites with the only color coming in through the amethyst and colored mushrooms. 

This third product is where I started leaning into the fun of these jars. Yippee in a Bottle takes inspiration from the TBH creature, an internet symbol used in the autism communities. These are small, but adorable creatures and stand out with their black and white design against the tan background. 

This fourth product is Fell and Crow Ineffable Essence ~ Custom Clairvoyance Spell Jar, heavily influenced by the book/tv show Good Omens. Due to the copyright surrounding that show, the character names couldn’t be used, however, I still wanted to make something that alluded to them and the iconic “ineffable” plan.  To do that, I simplified the names to allude to the characters as well as using an angel wing and devil tail to make the connection more apparent.

The last product is Great Witch Shelby’s Greatest Potion ~ Custom Self Love Spell Jar.  For this product the source was a simple character from an online web series. This character, while very simple on the surface, goes through an excellent journey of trusting her own capabilities. Because of this journey, she was the perfect inspiration for a self-love spell jar. Her aesthetic also plays well into the spell jars, because she is a witch herself.

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